JIN SHA Kong Gu Group To Invest $2 Billion Toward UAE And Kazakhstan’s Broad-Spectrum Growth

JIN SHA Kong Gu Group is a large-scale international asset allocation management investment institution. Over the years, it has been adhering to the open, inclusive, and collaborative symbiosis and co-creation operation concept, actively carrying out cross-border business cooperation and resource integration, promoting the integration and win-win concept, and cooperating with partners Sharing business ecological dividends.

For a long time, among the Middle East and Central Asian countries, the UAE and Kazakhstan, as two powerful countries, have their own unique resources and industrial advantages, and are actively exploring new economic transformation and sustainable development paths.

According to the external disclosure of JIN SHA Kong Gu Group, the group will complete the strategic investment deployment of $2 billion in the UAE’s overall industry in 2022, use a mature regional integration model, deeply tap the potential of all parties, and actively assist and promote local partners with government support. Implementation and application of projects with neighboring countries such as Kazakhstan.

JIN SHA Kong Gu Group To Invest  Billion Toward UAE And Kazakhstan’s Broad-Spectrum Growth

Based on the UAE’s national development strategy, JIN SHA Kong Gu Group will deploy in various fields such as promoting regional cooperation, integrating advantageous resources, high-quality project investment, and potential project incubation, and will contribute to the establishment of an open, cooperative, and co-prosperous region in Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

Kazakhstan has a vast territory, rich natural resources, and obvious energy advantages. It is a Central Asian and CIS country with a total population of 286 million, and it occupies an important position in the world. Kazakhstan has favorable conditions for the development of foreign cooperation, and actively cooperates with multinational groups in neighboring countries and regions to seek greater development space.

On 15th of October 2021 UAE time, the Kazakhstan business delegation came to Dubai, UAE for a friendly visit, and signed a memorandum of cooperation at the Dubai Silicon Valley China Center, planning to deepen the establishment of partnerships and develop long-term and effective mutually beneficial cooperation between the two parties. The two parties are willing to take joint actions to implement the following projects in Kazakhstan: jointly build an international digital industrial hub and help the world’s high-tech enterprises enter Kazakhstan. Implement the world’s largest data center in Kazakhstan with an installed capacity of 500 MW and an installed capacity of 200 MW.

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